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Home Company News Dolly Varden drills 13.22 m of 772.1 g/t AgEq at Dolly

Dolly Varden drills 13.22 m of 772.1 g/t AgEq at Dolly

Dolly Varden drills 13.22 m of 772.1 g/t AgEq at Dolly

Dolly Varden drills 13.22 m of 772.1 g/t AgEq at Dolly

2017-08-21 09:14 ET – News Release

Mr. Gary Cope reports


Dolly Varden Silver Corp. has released results from five more holes from the 2017 program on the Dolly Varden silver project in the Golden Triangle of northwestern British Columbia. Holes DV17-044 to 048 were drilled from the north side of the Dolly Varden Deposit Area, which is one of four deposits and over 50 exploration targets on the property.

Hole DV17-048 intersected three mineralized structures. The first structure corresponds to the silver-rich Dolly Varden Vein, and the lower two intercepts correspond to more base metal-rich zones.

Hole DV17-048 – Upper Zone yielded a core length of 13.22 metres (12.26 m true thickness) grading Ag 701.8 g/t, Pb 0.36 % and Zn 1.05 % for a silver-equivalent of 772.1 g/t. Within this Upper Zone interval is 2.60 metres (2.41 m true thickness) grading Ag 2,355.8 g/t, Pb 1.08 % and Zn 2.91 % for a silver-equivalent of 2,554.7 g/t.

The Middle Zone of hole DV17-048 yielded a core length of 20.50 metres (19.60 m true thickness) grading Ag 107.1 g/t, Pb 1.30 % and Zn 3.52 % for a silver-equivalent of 347.8 g/t. Within this Middle Zone interval is 3.00 metres (2.87 m true thickness) grading Ag 285.4 g/t, Pb 6.13 % and Zn 10.93 % for a silver-equivalent of 1,120.5 g/t.

Hole DV17-047 yielded a core length of 13.45 metres (13.38 m true thickness) grading Ag 284.9 g/t, Pb 0.29 % and Zn 0.96 % for a silver-equivalent of 348.1 g/t. Within this interval is 0.70 metres (0.69 m true thickness) grading Ag 4,280.0 g/t, Pb 0.52 % and Zn 0.94 % for a silver-equivalent of 4,351.7 g/t.

“These drill results confirm the very high silver grades of the Dolly Varden Deposit and highlight the potential for additional base metal credits,” said Gary Cope, President and CEO of Dolly Varden.

 Dolly Varden Project - Dolly Varden Deposit Area Drilling 2017 - Holes DV17-044 to 048

Hole       Zone       From     To      Core    True   Ag       Pb     Zn     Ag-Eq    
                      (m)      (m)     Length  Width  (g/t)    (%)    (%)    (g/t)    
DV17-044              43.35    46.10   2.75    2.69   30.3     0.05   0.49   58.4     
           includes   44.10    44.95   0.85    0.83   64.7     0.13   1.20   133.4    
DV17-045              45.55    56.50   10.95   10.78  32.6     0.30   1.46   122.5    
           includes   46.40    52.00   5.60    5.51   43.2     0.55   2.64   205.3    
           includes   46.40    49.20   2.80    2.76   61.7     0.74   3.92   300.0    
           includes   47.70    48.50   0.80    0.79   91.0     1.89   7.25   552.9    
DV17-046              22.90    37.50   14.60   14.28  21.3     0.17   0.66   63.3     
           includes   22.90    31.50   8.60    8.41   33.6     0.15   0.68   76.0     
           includes   22.90    24.00   1.10    1.08   74.0     0.08   0.30   93.4     
DV17-047              21.55    35.00   13.45   13.38  284.9    0.29   0.96   348.1    
           includes   25.50    32.95   7.45    7.41   500.4    0.39   1.21   580.7    
           includes   25.50    26.20   0.70    0.69   4,280.0  0.52   0.94   4,351.7  
DV17-048   Upper      23.98    37.20   13.22   12.26  701.8    0.36   1.05   772.1    
           includes   27.00    36.60   9.60    8.90   878.7    0.42   1.19   959.6    
           includes   34.00    36.60   2.60    2.41   2,355.8  1.08   2.91   2,554.7  
           includes   34.75    35.48   0.73    0.68   3,550.0  0.74   2.83   3,730.7  
           Middle     83.00    103.50  20.50   19.60  107.1    1.30   3.52   347.8    
           includes   83.00    99.00   16.00   15.30  129.3    1.65   3.31   373.6    
           includes   89.00    92.00   3.00    2.87   285.4    6.13   10.93  1,120.5  
           includes   90.95    92.00   1.05    1.00   518.0    12.85  9.91   1,582.9  
           Lower      146.15   169.40  23.25   22.56  30.3     0.12   1.60   119.7    
           includes   159.80   165.80  6.00    5.82   68.8     0.12   2.07   183.4    
           includes   160.80   163.80  3.00    2.91   102.2    0.19   2.62   248.4

Note: Ag-Eq = Ag + (Pb%*22.046*Pb price*31.103/Ag price) + (Zn%*22.046*Zn price*31.103/Ag price). Metal prices used for this formula: Ag = $US 16.25/oz, Pb = $US 1.00/lb, Zn = $US 1.25/lb. No provisions have been made for relative metal recovery, thus 100% recovery is used for the silver-equivalent values. “True Width” is an approximation given the limited amount of drilling in this area.

The Dolly Varden Vein strikes east-west and dips to the north. There are post-mineralization faults, which in places offset the vein and adjacent mineralized structures. Holes DV17-044 and 045 may represent the middle base metal-rich zone.

The 2017 exploration program is ahead of schedule and on budget. It was planned to consist of over 5,000 metres of diamond drilling in about 25 to 35 drill holes. A proposal is being considered to expand the 2017 Exploration program to about 12,000 metres.

A drill hole location map of the Mine and Central Sectors area is posted on the Dolly Varden Silver Corporation website at www.dollyvardensilver.com

About Dolly Varden

Dolly Varden Silver Corporation is a mineral exploration company focused on exploration in northwestern British Columbia. Dolly Varden has two projects, the namesake Dolly Varden silver property and the nearby Big Bulk copper-gold property. The Dolly Varden property is considered to be highly prospective for hosting high-grade precious metal deposits, since it comprises the same structural and stratigraphic setting that host numerous other, on-trend, high-grade deposits (Eskay Creek, Brucejack). The Big Bulk property is prospective for porphyry and skarn style copper and gold mineralization similar to other such deposits in the region (Red Mountain, KSM, Red Chris).

The current mineral resource estimate at Dolly Varden, effective date August 27, 2015, consists of four deposits with an Indicated Resource of 3.07 million tonnes grading 321.6 g/t Ag, for 31.8 million ounces of silver, plus an Inferred Resource of 0.9 million tonnes grading 373.3 g/t Ag, for 10.8 million ounces of silver. These resources were estimated at a cut-off grade of 150 g/t Ag. For more details, please refer to a NI 43-101 compliant Technical Report filed on www.sedar.com and on the Company’s website.

Ben Whiting, P.Geo., Vice President of Exploration and Robert van Egmond, P.Geo., Chief Geologist for Dolly Varden, serve as ‘Qualified Persons’ under National Instrument 43-101, and have approved the scientific and technical information contained in this news release.

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